The Watershed: Logical Opportunism

Establishing the
is a watershed in the .Once the has become embedded in the culture, the Mode drive can be accelerated much more safely. Opportunism suddenly loses its tendency to be mindless, because it can be geared to generating desired outcomes. So any organization is now solid, self-confident and potentially highly effective. The pressure for organizational achievement can at last be positively addressed by everyone.
● Staff realize that values really do mean something if crises are used as an opportunity to advance them. (Previously, crises were an excuse for ditching values.)
● People are still driven to act—but as much internally as by their boss.
● Political realities must still be heeded, but they can be dealt with in a less fearful and more cooperative way.
● There is a modus vivendi between tribal factions and a degree of alignment between their values and organizational objectives.
shared values and organizational objectives. This becomes for further cultural development.
remains and, if not wholly transformed, its degeneration is definitely inhibited by the widespread recognition of the importance ofThe New Foundation
includes continuing appropriate use of , and lets capable people achieve for themselves while they are achieving for the organization.
■ The
inhibited people because decisions were so inconsistent, the work environment so incoherent, and the boss or higher authorities so dominating and interfering.■ Adding
gave autonomy but still left people feeling constrained because of the emphasis on role boundaries and procedural control.■ The
also inhibited people because of the need for each to be loyal to their department &/or tribe.■ The
ameliorates all these difficulties and enables values in each of the earlier stages to be used more sensibly in the service of the organization as a whole.
«Rationalist» (in THEE) does not have quite the same meaning as «rational».
is used to refer to inquiry: i.e. being logical, reasonable or analytical.
human reasons for acting. These reasons of yours may be viewed as more or less rational or reasonable by others.
here refers to a way of deciding i.e. based on selecting purposes (values or objectives) that are viewed as
An entrepreneurial start-up firm commonly commences in a highly opportunistically in the light of the agreed values and goals.
. Without that, nobody would know what they were joining or what they should be doing. The small group then operatesAs the start-up grows in size, it commonly degenerates into early because of a lack of attention to needed accountability and formal structures.

Any organization permeated by a Not a natural community to be sure, but still a community of sorts. Like a community, the organization is people-centred, has distinct values, depends on voluntary participation, promotes cooperation, and thrives on discussions, consultations, mutual support and fairness.
sees itself more and more as a community.Such communal qualities might be found in earlier stages, but they were not intrinsic: e.g. before this point essential multi-functional or cross-departmental working is usually minimal, grudging and difficult. Now it is natural, expected and desired.
Getting Control of Control
In a control gets internalised to the degree that a value is genuinely held.
, control has not gone away. It is just that control, even accountability-based control, does not feel such a burden or problem any more. We all find it perfectly natural and acceptable to let our values control our activities. SoWe can say that: the organization has now achieved mature self-control, and so have the members. Staff at all levels act decisively, doing what is expected and more, while manifesting responsibility, adaptation to others, loyalty, involvement, cooperation, and self-discipline.
Achievement is now evident, but personal and organizational effectiveness is still limited. Not only that, degeneration may occur.
While Cycle-1 was about getting control over activities: the challenge of Cycle-2 is to increase effectiveness.
- So before moving to limitations and potentials of a . , be sure you understand the
Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011